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Women's Ministry
Mission Statement: Connecting the hearts of women to the heart of God through discipleship.
Women's Events
Prayer 101
A relaxing, morning retreat for women to learn about prayer at
Canby Alliance Church. We will meet in the downstairs rooms where the youth meet. This retreat is free, for all women, childcare provided and casual attire (bring your slippers!)
When: Saturday, February 8 9:00am-12:00pm
Click here for more info or to sign up:
Additional Ministries:
Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. (Psalm 16: 5-6)
We make room for the Lord by creating space to do the things God called us to do that doesn't usually fall into our normal schedule.
Domestic Abuse is “a pattern of coercive behavior used by one person to control and subordinate another in an intimate relationship. These behaviors may include physical, sexual, psychological, and economic abuse.” The purpose of Living Waters of Hope is to bring hope and healing through the teaching of God’s word in the Oasis Bible Study to women who are suffering or have suffered as a result of domestic abuse.
Women's Team
Marilyn Greenleaf
Crystal Penner
Susan Buck
If you have any questions about Women's Ministry at Canby Alliance Church, please contact us at
or call Marilyn at (425) 443 - 8541
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